Sunday, May 9, 2010

Atheists: If you had access to a 1st class ticket to an eternal holiday all expenses paid, would you use it?

Or would you just cast it aside and waste time with other tickets that lead to nowhere and "nothingness"?

Answer 1 :
I would have to know where it was and I would like to see brochures and videos of the destination. Can you show me any real pictures of Heaven or real documentary footage? Can you upload the pics of the hotel I'd be staying at to twitter? Would you accept an invite to an unknown destination without ever having seen it or one that noone has ever seen? I didn''t think so.

Answer 2 :
There are many descriptions of heaven that are available in ALL major religions. But you did find a hole in the analogy and I'm fair when judging. Still the fact that chances are there IS an afterlife and so we should make arrangements for it is not Pascal's Wager but common sense!

Answer 3 :
Atheism is a no-hope philosophy that promises oblivion of the intellect and senses. In other words, everything atheists do, think, learn or say (including ranting on R&S) is ultimately futile,

Those who are attracted to such a nihilistic prospect of nothingness, obviously would not want an eternity of consciousness.

Answer 4 :
Depends -- is there any evidence the place the ticket is supposed to take me is real? If not, it would be silly to get a ticket, wouldn't it?

Just because you want there to be an afterlife doesn't mean there is one. With no evidence of any kind to show there is one, believing in one is quite silly.

I'd take it if it was a first class ticket to the Bahamas, because I could hold the ticket in my hand and I know that the Bahamas exist. But I'm not going to join a cult, shave my head, and live according to their bizarre code of conduct just because they promise that I'll go to the big rock candy mountain when I die.

I would, but I wouldn't take it if a book said "you will get this ticket if you live your entire life the way I tell you to. You may be disqualified for these reasons
1)Ticket may or may not exist
2)If you do anything against our crazy laws that contradict constantly.
3) If you don't believe you will get the ticket

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