Sunday, August 29, 2010

My holiday tickets still havent come and they said they would come with in 48 hours do you think they'll come?

My holiday tickets still havent come and when I booked my holiday it said the tickets would come with in 48 hours but they havent do you think they will come? has anyone else ever been in the same situation?

Answer 1 :
The probably will come, but make sure you call the company NOW!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

FREE HOLIDAY TICKETS - Someone gives you tickets for 2 holidays but they fall in the same weeks?

Which holiday would you go on - 2 weeks in Hawaii or 2 weeks in the Maldives?

Answer 1 :
Maldives,,,if you want to go to Hawaii,, can I have the one for the Maldives,,,,,,heaven on earth,,,soooooooooooooo beautiful

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Holiday plane ticket cost?

I'm looking to fly into New Jersey, New York, or maybe even Pennsylvania around Christmas time. Either before or after the holiday, not sure, but how much do the tickets cost on Average around that time of year??

Answer 1 :
It depends on where you are flying from. It will be quite expensive especially since the airlines are cutting capacity. If you do not book your ticket now, there may not be a seat available when you want to travel. Typically Christmas Day is a lighter travel day. You may be able to save a little money if you fly that day.

Answer 2 :
Dude why don't you search for yourself! You haven't given us where you're departing from and you're definitely not sure WHERE it is you want to fly to, as there are over 20 different airports in those three states alone. Dates would be helpful, and you certainly haven't said anything specific in terms of those, so no, I have NO CLUE how much it will cost.

Give something like a shot.